Sunday, 11 June 2017

Whoops + Reading Marathon #1 on 17th June


So yesterday I went to the library and then to the book store and somehow all these books jumped at me? On my defense, the book store had a sale, which, considering Finnish book prices, is pretty much my only chance to actually buy books.

Anyway, I bought a ton of books I've been eyeing and got some from the library that seemed interesting. I already started The Danish Girl yesterday and it's been very good so far.

Others I picked up from the library:
- The Dispossessed by Ursula Le Guin (she also wrote the Earthsea Cycle if you, like myself, didn't know) which came highly recommended from Alex.
- Island by Aldous Huxley since Brave New World was really quite decent.
- Ihmisiä suviyössä ('People in the Summer's Night') by Frans Emil Sillanpää, who is to date the only Finnish Nobel Literature prize winner. Surely you can see why I've been meaning to read this.

Also picked up from the bookstore:
- Wool by Huck Howey because apparently depressing dystopias are a thing I need more of in my life.
- The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley, since I've been meaning to read Flavia de Luce and because the Finnish translation of the name is genius? I don't know how to make this linguistic thing work but in Finnish it's 'A Pie's Taste Sweet' and due to the non-existing word order rules it sounds so good. Mum already took this from my pile to read herself.
- "Et kuitenkaan usko..." ("You won't believe this either way...")  by Ville Haapasalo. He's definitely the most famous Finnish person... in Russia. More about this when/if I ever read it.
- House of Cards by Michael Dobbs because obviously.
- The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe by J. Randy Taraborrelli because well, Marilyn Monroe's life is really interesting, I hope you'll agree.

Why did I list all of this stuff for you? So that you can judge me if I don't read any of these in the nearby future, naturally.

Reading Marathon #1 on 17th June

So anyway, this summer has three Blogistania reading marathons, on 17th June, 8th July and 19th August. I'll try and convince Daniel to do the second one with me as well. The idea is to take 24 hours, some of which on the actual date, and read as much as you can during that time. It's being organised by Hannan kirjokansi but obviously that's all in Finnish.

My plan for this one is to start it on Friday evening and finish on Saturday evening, and I'll let you know in intervals and then after how much I actually get done, so I'll be posting about that on Friday, hopefully. I'll try and entertain mostly the books aforementioned ^ and maybe I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh because she's coming to Helsinki on Thursday and I was thinking of going to take a look at that. Wish me luck on reading! I took part in 2014 as well and read 528 pages, mostly The Picture on Dorian Gray and then one of the House of Night novels. Now that I think back to it, that's actually quite a good amount? I'll try and match it regardless, just for fun. It's good to have goals in life.

Anyway, have a good day, you. Hope summer's treating you well.


  1. Saako tänne kommentoida suomeksi? Anteeksi! Mukavaa maratonia! Luin juuri tuon Bradleyn kirjan - ihan kelpo dekkari - ja olen lukenut myös Siilon. Se oli sivumäärästään huolimatta nopealukuinen, ja toki jatko-osatkin oli ns. pakko lukea sitten.

    1. Todellakin saa! :) Opiskelen vaan Skotlannissa niin kirjoittelen englanniksi että kaverit (ja erityisesti poikaystävä) voivat lukea myös! Tuli lopulta luettua Annoin sinun mennä kokonaan (olin ehkä vähän innoissani kun sain siihen torstaina kirjailijan nimmarin!!) ja ensimmäiset 90 sivua tuota Piirakan maku makeaa, oli varsin viihdyttävä tähän mennessä! Yhteensä siis 503 sivua, kyllähän se ihan mukava määrä oli. Kiitos kommentoinnista ja emännöinnistä ja kaikesta siltä väliltä! :)

    2. Ai niin, joo ja ajattelin kirjoitella vielä fiiliksiä jos vaikka vielä tänään saisin aikaiseksi :'D Rankkaa puuhaa tämä lueskelu!
