“Yeah,” she says. I’m
beginning to see that her “yeahs” are almost always two syllables, one for
“yes” and the other for “but I don’t know if anything will ever come of it.”

The two main characters, the narrator Sutter Keely and the
girl with insight, Aimee Finicky, are about as different as any two people can
be. He’s foolhardy, outgoing and careless, she’s warm, calculating and only has
wild adventures in her daydreams. She lives in the future, where she has worked
out everything, while he doesn’t even want to think a day ahead of time. He
gets the rare chance to make a change in her life, to convince her to come out
of her shell and live, but at the same time he could end up ruining her. Of
course, on this mission, which is not
about seducing her, they end up dating, the unlikely couple surprising working.
That’s pretty much the plot of the book, leaving out only what happens after
they’ve ended up dating.
Oftentimes Sutter got on my nerves, for he is self-righteous
and presents his thoughts like they’re the only truth. Empirical observing
turned into scientific facts, he believes he understand guys, girls and life
better than the people around him. The novel is clearly written by a man, and
Sutter, while thinking of himself as a gentleman, ends up being a terrible jerk
more than once. Maybe I’m not Aimee, but I didn’t find his carelessness about everything
charming or even bearable. I don’t think people should be allowed to be so
immature all the way until early adulthood. I didn’t like him constantly
thinking about himself first, no matter how many times he named Aimee as his
Sutter searching for his father felt much like the search in
The Fault in Our Stars – if you want
something too much, build it up in your mind and think it’s everything you’ve
ever wanted, you’re bound to be disappointed. Only one of these books ends in a
catharsis I found personally satisfying, however. I felt like The Spectacular
Now didn’t have enough real, actual, heart-breaking joy to make up for the
times it made me sad and despairing. The balance was off and the book left me
wanting something else.
There’s that 2013 movie based on this book, and if I
understand it correctly, it ends well differently from the book. I don’t know
if I’m happy with that. I didn’t like the ending I read, but maybe that just
meant I didn’t like what I had set out to read. The actors are some of the
current YA novel-to-movie favourites – Miles Teller, Brie Larson and Shailene
Woodley. Maybe I’ll give it a watch one of these days, since the novel wasn’t a
total waste of my time. It wasn’t good, either.
PS. Sorry about not posting anything lately - I lost my laptop charger and finally, finally caved in and bought a new one! Will be posting reviews on all the books I've read this summer asap!
PS. Sorry about not posting anything lately - I lost my laptop charger and finally, finally caved in and bought a new one! Will be posting reviews on all the books I've read this summer asap!
Amazing! What a perfectly fair review, perfectly augmented, I much enjoyed. Loved the line 'Empirical observing turned into scientific facts', very satisfying! Three months exactly from your last one! I'll be excitedly looking out for more. <3